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Heroin, addiction and health issues…can a London psychologist help?

By May 8, 2016 No Comments

Smoking, injecting or snorting heroin risks serious illness or injury to the heart, lungs, brain, intestines or kidneys that could lead to death or long term impairment. Psychotherapy in London can help you.

Before taking heroin

Heroin can rob you of your physical and mental strength. A lapse in morals, relationship breakdown and financial ruin can easily occur. Private counselling in London for gay men, who may be particularly affected by addiction, is recommended.

Primary effects

Users of heroin typically experience a rush of euphoria soon after taking. The heart and breathing rates slow down, with a drowsy feeling that all your problems have melted away. It sounds a good enticement to take more.

Long term effects

Apart from the major risk of overdose, heroin can change the physical structure and physiology of the brain. These are not easily reversed back to normal once the user stops taking the substance.

The long term effects of an imbalance in the body motor neurone and hormone mechanisms, can lead to deterioration in the white matter in the brain. This may impact on areas such as decision-making, behaviour and responses to difficult situations.


The body swiftly adapts to the drug in its system. As soon as the user tries to reduce intake or stop taking the drug, the body reacts by craving, in the form of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms

The symptoms of withdrawal may occur only a few hours after the last dose, peaking at 24-48 hours and taking a week or a month to subside. The effects are often restlessness, pain in the muscles and bones, insomnia, depression, vomiting, diarrhoea, involuntary leg movement and cold flashes with shivering.

The tolerance effect

Taking heroin produces a high tolerance level, whereby more and more is needed to achieve the same effects. Agitation, anxiety and muscle pain will begin as soon as heroin begins to wear off and more is then required to achieve the same rush of euphoria.


Heroin is extremely addictive. Unfortunately this can easily become a chronic, cyclic disease, spiralling out of control until relapse is inevitable. When it reaches this phase, the taking of the drug goes beyond a physical dependence. The mind becomes focused on getting hold of the substance, regardless of the consequences. Taking the drug becomes the main purpose in life.

A London psychologist for gay people offers a solution

​Getting support 

Psychotherapy and counselling for gay men in London especially, can help with any addiction or dependency. Contact Justin Duwe, an experienced psychologist London.

You can call Justin on T: 07717 664177 or justin@justinduwe.com