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Cocaine addiction and the gay community

By February 15, 2016 No Comments

Within the GLBT community, levels of cocaine addiction remain stubbornly high, particularly among gay men, with cocaine increasingly recognised as both highly addictive and dangerous. A London psychotherapist will not make judgement, simply help you to overcome addiction difficulties.

If you have a problem with cocaine abuse, counselling and psychotherapy in London for gay men can both help you understand the underlying issues that drive your addiction, and control the triggers that promote cocaine use.

What is cocaine?

Cocaine Hydrochloride (coke, blow) is a white powder derived from the coca plant, mainly grown in South America. Snorted, injected or smoked as crack cocaine, it produces sensations of euphoria, mental alertness and self-confidence by stimulating dopamine receptors in the brain, making it a popular party drug.

Commonly it also induces paranoia and hallucinations, and physical symptoms of rapid speech, runny nose and bloodshot eyes.

How addictive is it?

As the effects of cocaine tend to be short lived, you need take it frequently to maintain your high, and as over time you build a tolerance to the drug, so you start taking larger quantities in order to feel the effects. This makes cocaine both physically and psychologically highly addictive. Talk to a London psychologist to find out more.

What are the health risks?

Few drugs have so many negative health consequences. In the short term, cocaine increases blood pressure and heart rate, and can induce depression, anxiety, tiredness, sweating, cramping and vomiting. In conjunction with other drugs, such as alcohol, it can have lethal consequences.

Longer term use can lead to respiratory failure, heart disease, strokes and seizures. As a euphoric, it also reduces sexual inhibitions and promotes riskier sexual behaviour, increasing potential exposure to HIV and STIs.

Cocaine is also expensive, and addiction often exacts a high financial price, with many addicts losing life savings, or turning to crime and prostitution to finance their addiction.

This cycle of dependency can be broken however, and counselling in London for gay men can not only be instrumental in facilitating this process, but in allowing you to gain a better understanding of addiction issues relating to your sexuality.

​Getting support 

For more information about cocaine addiction counselling, London, or to discuss booking a counselling or psychotherapy session, contact me today.

You can call Justin on T: 07717 664177 or justin@justinduwe.com